NimmaHop at New Location! Sunday January 5th
This new year brings with it some changes. Our montly social dance Nimmahop will no longer take place in de Waagh, but instead will be at Amanné, the dance school where the lindy hop classes are also given!
As usual we have a lindy taster for complete beginners at 15:00, and then at 16:00 dancing and live music will start!
Entrance for the lindy taster and social is free, but we ask for a donation so that we can continue to organise these events. Note that the owners asked us that guests should not bring their own drinks or bottles. Please get your drinks (including water) at the bar.
15:00 – 16:00: Lindy hop taster for complete beginners
16:00 – 19:00 Social dancing!
While we are very happy that we can now dance at such a nice location as Amanné, the reason for us leaving de Waagh is not so nice. As you might have noticed if you were there in December, the floor after the social was very dirty, with a lot of white dust everywhere. It is still not clear to us whether this is because of some weird interaction between the coating on the floor and lots of dancing, or because someone was bringing some powder coating under their shoes. It however meant it was too much work for de Waagh to clean up every time. We are very happy with all the nice memories we made at de Waagh, but we unfortunately cannot dance there any longer. So for this new location, keep in mind:
Please only dance on clean shoes, suitable for a dancefloor, and do not put any powder or coating under your shoes. If you do, it might cost us a lot of money or result in us no longer being able to use that venue.
As usual, Nimmahop will always be on the first Sunday of the month. See you in the new year!