Jan '25
What’s Hop Routine – Solo Jazz workshop
Amanné Caribisch Centrum Nijmegen - Tweede Walstraat 118 Nijmegen
20:30 - 22:00
Did you know that our yearly big weekend festival What’s Hop has a special routine made for it (Created by the amazing Ari and Simon).
To give you an opportunity to learn this routine, Tayla will give a special workshop to teach it to you Friday January 3rd at Dance School Amanné (the standard lindy hop class location)
You don’t have to register for this, you can just walk in and pay on the spot. €9,- for the workshop.
Note that the What’s Hop Routine is more complicated and faster than the Shim Sham. If you don’t know that routine yet, you might have a hard time with the What’s Hop Routine, though you are of course welcome to try 🙂