Lindy What?! July 2022 Newsletter
Dear Lindy Hoppers,
With our last class before summer behind us we want to take a step back and give a shout out to everyone who joined us these past few months, and helped us getting back on our feet after the pandemic. With that we mean everyone of you, even if you did just one tiny triple step during one of our socials or classes. Our main reward is seeing people smile and dance with us, so from the bottom of our Lindy hearts: Thank you!
All this gave us the encouragement to start rebuilding Lindy What and our community, and we’re currently working hard to make next season something special, something that does justice to Lindy Hop as a dance and cultural phenomenon! Keep an eye out for it, because we’re gonna make sure there will be something for everyone.
Besides this we will of course provide you with the scratch for your dancing itches with social dancing during summer!
Here’s the overview:
Save the dates – dancing in the summer!
August 7th 2022 : Swing on Sunday Teadance 15:00 at the Waagh
September 4th 2022 : Sunday Teadance with the Lindy Hop Swing Band 15:00 at the Waagh
Have a great Zomerfeesten and summer!!
Lots of Lindy Love,
The Lindy What?! Nijmegen team.